
Performs a correlated sample (within-subjects) ANOVA. This is a generalization of the paired T-test to 3 or more treatments. This function accepts data as either a tuple of ranges (1 for each treatment, such that a given index represents the same subject in each range) or similarly as a range of ranges.

if (
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, T)

Return Value

Type: TestRes

A TestRes with the F-statistic and P-value for the null that the the variable being measured did not vary across treatments against the alternative that it did.


1 // Test the hypothesis that alcohol, loud music, caffeine and sleep
2 // deprivation all have equivalent effects on programming ability.
4 uint[] alcohol = [8,6,7,5,3,0,9];
5 uint[] caffeine = [3,6,2,4,3,6,8];
6 uint[] noSleep = [3,1,4,1,5,9,2];
7 uint[] loudMusic = [2,7,1,8,2,8,1];
8 // Subject 0 had ability of 8 under alcohol, 3 under caffeine, 3 under
9 // no sleep, 2 under loud music.  Subject 1 had ability of 6 under alcohol,
10 // 6 under caffeine, 1 under no sleep, and 7 under loud music, etc.
11 auto result = correlatedAnova(alcohol, caffeine, noSleep, loudMusic);

References: "Concepts and Applications of Inferrential Statistics". Richard Lowry. Vassar College. version.
